This morning I stumbled across an article on the Somerset Live website that reported a strange happening that would get Charles Fort champing at the bit. We Forteans have a long standing interest in anomolous things falling from the sky. In the case the unfortunate victims are pigeons (or roof rats as they are called in parts of the UK).
Last July numerous pigeons were reported plummeting from the wide blue yonder in the small cathedral city of Well in the English county of Somerset. one even crashing down onto a surprised women who was enjoying a coffee.

Government scientists were called in to investigate the cause of the phenomenon but the report soon to be released is rumoured to have not reached a satisfactory conclusion, the scientists have not been able to find a cause. A local vet has also conducted an autopsy and this has also failed to find an answer.
One somerset Live reader is quoted as saying "I read an article the other day in which a local resident pointed out that there seemed to be a lack of a ‘dawn chorus’ these days as well,” she added. “It is a worrying time for our wildlife.” And former Mayor of the city has voiced her concern saying "there is still no clearly defined cause for the death of so many pigeons in our small city."
Some locals have speculated that the birds have fallen victim of a pigeon poisoner but sadly we may never know what has been despatching our unfortunate feathered friends.
For those of you that might be interested I will be keeping an eye on this story and I will let you know of any further developments.