The Nottinghamshire countryside isn't the first place that you would expect to find a mystery marsupial but that's exactly what has happened when an unnamed witness stumbled across one recently accompanied by two joeys . Unusually for such sightings the witnessed managed to take a half decent photograph. So convincing was the photograph that the local police announced on their facebook page that they were on the hunt for it and were appealing for further witnesses: "There's a Kangaroo in Bulwell and we believe she has two Joeys in tow. They were seen hopping around on the old pit site this morning. So if you see Red, Skippy or Joey bouncing around near you give us a ring."
Officers were sent out in search of the animals but fortunately for what are probably escaped captives they could not be located.
Of course dear readers I will keep an eye on this case and let you know if their are any further developments.
I have contacted kangaroo expert Jeanne Gilgen that I know in Australia who has a number of rescued kangaroos living in her sanctuary and she confirmed that in her opinion the creature pictured below was most probably a very British skippy.
What do you guys think? I would love to hear your opinions.
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